Stainless hlau ob npaug qhib xaus cov ciaj ntswj
Cov khoom tsis muaj
Txoj cai | Qhov loj | L | Qho hnyav |
S303-0810 | 8 × 10 hli | 100 hli | 25g |
S303-101212 | 10 × 12 hli | 120mm | 50g |
S303-1214 | 12 × 14mm | 130 hli | 60g |
S303-1417 | 14 × 17mm | 150 hli | 105g |
S303-1719 | 17 × 19mm | 170mm | 130g |
S303-1922 | 19 × 22 hli | 185 hli | 195g |
S303-2224 | 22 × 24 hlim | 210mm | 280g |
S303-2427 | 24 × 27mm | 230mm | 305g |
S303-2730 | 27 × 30mm | 250 hli | 425g |
S303-3032 | 30 × 32mm | 265 hli | 545g |
ntsib thawj zaug
Stainless hlau ob npaug qhib xaus wrench: ib qho cuab yeej txhim khu kev qha rau txhua daim ntawv thov
Thaum nws los txog rau lub ntiaj teb ntawm cov cuab yeej muaj kev lag luam, lub siab tawv yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua tus kws tshaj lij. Lub stainless hlau ob npaug qhib xaus wrench yog ib qho cuab yeej uas sawv rau nws cov txiaj ntsig thiab versatility. Ua los ntawm AISI 304 stainless hlau cov khoom, cov khoom siv no muaj ntau cov txiaj ntsig uas ua rau nws zoo rau ntau yam kev lag luam.
Ib qho ntawm qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev siv lub stainless hlau ob npaug qhib xaus wrench yog nws txoj kev tiv taus kom xeb thiab xeb. Ua tsaug rau cov Aisi Zoo 304 stainless hlau cov khoom, cov wressless tuaj yeem tiv taus cov chaw hnyav tsis tau poob nws cov txiaj ntsig. Qhov no ua rau nws zoo meej cov cuab yeej rau cov tubrog nkoj thiab cov kev siv marine uas feem ntau raug rau cov dej ntsev thiab lwm cov khoom xeb.
Stainless hlau ob npaug qhib kawg wrenches nthuav tawm cov hluav taws xob tsis muaj zog ntxiv rau lawv cov tshuaj tiv thaiv xeb. Qhov no muaj txiaj ntsig tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws rau qee qhov kev lag luam thiab chaw ua haujlwm ib puag ncig uas yuav tsum tau txais kev sib nqus. Lub cuab yeej tsis muaj zog magnetism tau ua kom nws yuav tsis muab hluav taws xob rhiab lossis ua rau muaj kev cuam tshuam.
cov ntsiab lus

Lwm qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws tshwj xeeb ntawm stainless hlau ob npaug qhib xaus wrenches yog lawv cov acids zoo heev rau cov acids thiab tshuaj lom neeg. Qhov no ua rau nws xaiv tau zoo rau cov kws tshaj lij hauv kev lag luam uas cuam tshuam nrog cov tshuaj uas xeb ua ntu zus. Cov kua qaub thiab cov tshuaj tsis kam ntawm cov ciaj ntswj lub ntswj no ua kom muaj kev sib zog ua kom muaj kev txom nyem thiab kev ntseeg tau, txawm nyob hauv txoj kev nyuaj siab.
Tsis tas li ntawd, cov hlau stainless ob npaug qhib xaus wrench muaj cov khoom huv zoo heev. Nov yog qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hauv kev lag luam uas kev nyiam huv yog qhov tseem ceeb, xws li cov zaub mov thiab tshuaj lag luam. Cov du, tsis muaj-nto saum npoo ntawm cov ciaj ntswj tsis txwv thiab cov kab mob los ntawm kev sib sau ua ke, ua kom huv thiab tu.
Ntxiv rau kev siv cov ntawv thov, stainless hlau ob ob chav qhib kawg wrenches tseem dav siv nyob rau hauv cov dej ua haujlwm. Txawm tias kev txhim kho cov kav dej xau lossis kho lub ru tsev, cov cuab yeej no muab cov txiaj ntsig khov kho thiab meej rau cov txiaj ntsig zoo thiab txhim khu kev qha.

Hauv kev xaus
All in all, the Stainless Steel Double Open End Wrench is a top-notch tool that combines strength, durability, and versatility. AISI 304 stainless hlau khoom siv, uas muaj los tiv thaiv xeb, tsis muaj zog sib nqus, cov tawv nqaij tsis zoo, tshuaj lom neeg ua haujlwm thiab kev ua tau zoo. Txawm hais tias rau cov tubrog nkoj thiab marine, waterproofing ua haujlwm lossis ntau lwm cov haujlwm muaj kev lag luam, cov wrench tau ua pov thawj los ua tus khub. Yog li, yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav ib qho cuab yeej uas tuaj yeem tiv taus cov mob hnyav thaum xa tsis muaj qhov tshwj xeeb, saib tsis tau ntau dua li cov kav hlau qhib kawg.